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MOO Memo: Othering Onward

26 Jun
A/N: The images displayed in this essay are not mine–Thank Goddess for Tumblr, Imagebam, Pinterest and my friend @LiveLoveKStew.  No copyright infringement intended. Click the image for a link to its origins. Totally unbeta’d, so any mistakes and stumbles belong to Moi. Musical playlist, per usual, at the bottom and at this link–> ( Click the “Sign Me Up!” button in the side panel to receive MOO updates in your Email. You know, because my ‘updates’ come atcha all kinds of b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

Hello, Lovelies. I KNOW. I know. It’s been criminally long, it’s been overwhelming, it’s been epic. As you can imagine, I am just as consumed and enamored as you are with all the incredible moments of Otherness and Rebellious Beauty that has been bestowed upon us in these weeks we’ve been apart. I disappeared for a ten day vacation last month which was nourishing and revitalizing in itself [and I met up with lovely souls in lovely places including @MyCleverAlias @Buff_82 and @Beammeup_00] and then the floodgates lifted and we were bombarded with blessings.

I’m on the pursuit of happiness, and I know 

Everything that shine ain’t always gonna be gold

Hey, I’ll be fine once I get it, I’ll be good  ~Kid Cudi

I will attempt addressing these gifts in the next series of new Musings. Starting with today’s post, in the form of  a MOO Memo dedicated to three very special women in my life: @MyCleverAlias, @Nail and my gorgeous Bestie @SL. It’s just a primer-post, because I’m emerging from another vacuous lull in which my 3D life opened up a can of whoop-ass on me. And also, fact is, there were too many significant episodes we witnessed over these weeks and I didn’t want to leave anything out. Got a little stressful, y’know? 

And, lastly, it is now, JUNE,  that I am celebrating a major personal anniversary: MUSINGS ON OTHER QUEENS is TWO YEARS OLD!!! 

Remember when I pushed ‘Publish’ June 3, 2010, Remember???

I want to give proper accolades to this little ‘blog’ o’ mine… this space and community that has changed, no, revolutionized my life. And I really hope to express my utmost gratitude to the muse and original Queen of Other: Kristen Jaymes Stewart. If only she would grant us a moment to catch our breath…

MetGala Ball 2012

Graham Norton show

The three ladies I mentioned earlier are my muses today for a few reasons. Nail, because she always loves herself a juicy Muselet and she teaches me about succinctness and reframing and she counsels me on how to laugh at the atrocious, illogical theorizing of some of the Vultures/BullShitPeople/AssClowns out there in this community that peck away at my RebelRoyal-induced high.

VampBella showin us how it’s gon BE. #Boss

MyCleverAlias [or MCA as we know her ’round the hood] is an OG Musings reader, from over two years ago, who enchanted me with her intelligent, articulate comments on the website, and then her fair but informed observations on this community.  I also had the distinct privilege of spending nearly every day of one week with her last summer when she and my beloved @Kate_Suena visited my beautiful city–we’re approaching our Year Anniversary of that visit, Ladies!  Also, MCA has been gone for several weeks while traveling throughout South Africa [I know, swoooon], so I thought that a mini StewReview might be just what we thirsty fangirls need to replenish our souls.  [Note: Though it’s taken me so damn long to break through this block to write, she’s not only up to date already probably, but she could clue me in to a few things]

My favorite photo shoot with Kristen. Ever. ElleFrance. #HomageToIntoTheWild #ChangedEverything

My Bestie, who we’ll call @SL, is a muse in so many ways for me, but she inspires lately because a) I just saw her when I took my trip to the East Coast, for the first time in over five years and I wanted to weep when I thought about leaving her again b) She is ethereal–exotic– simply beautiful  and she has her fair share of experience defending her choices for OTHERNESS because of her physical attributes, but also for her unorthodox approach to life (i.e. she was sooo fucking punk rock and brilliant that people didn’t know how to approach such an intimidating beauty). Lastly, my lovely SL just recently discovered the sheer gravity of a book series known as Twilight and when I came to visit her in May, she was glued to her Kindle.  Her husband (another one of my best friends from college) bemoaned the loss of his wife. “Hey thanks for that, by the way,” he said to me, throwing vitriolic glances at SL’s otherwise occupied form (she was longingly gazing at her Kindle, where a bookmarked page in Eclipse awaited). 

we may know a little something about this series

Sooooo *motioning for you all to lean in again*….

Today’s MOO Memo is just a little roadmap of what is coming down the pike. I’ve been away for several weeks (and there are STORIES), MCA has been away (and there are STORIES), SL is new to the Twi-Kristen-Rob-RoyalRebel Community (at least in this kind of  forum, and we have gotta update her on our Otherness STORIES), and my girl Nail  certainly deserves a ‘let’ (anything shortened is automatically softer, cuter, more compelling, you see). Like a capelet a leaflet, and uh…a piglet.

This is what we know:

Kristen, our Reigning Queen of Otherness, has emerged as the Royalty that she is. This is her time. Since Musing last, our  most esteemed Majestic Misfit has shown up all over the planet [in record time, btw] in the name of promoting Snow White and the Huntsman,  all while appearing fresh, confident, stylish and proud. 

Shhhooooooes. And Sam’s dimples.

How absurdly beautiful is this cast???

via KStewartFans

It was during this round of interviews that our Reinging Other Queen eloquently and thoughtfully articulated her definitions of “beauty”…which, according to her MajesticMisftness, is composed of authenticity, compassion, and congruence. 

“BE YOURSELF, BABYDOLL.” ~Kristen Stewart

. . . and in an awe-inspiring episode of sublimity her world-gallivanting included an appearance at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in representation for On The Road. 

future’s so bright…she’s gotta wear ’em

You’ll notice that these pictures are only little tastes of the magic that actually occurred at the time…this is merely a StewReview for my girls, and to dip my toe back in the posting pool. Summer’s Musings posting schedule is going to consist of in-depth reviews of many of these events… like the rousing success of SWATH. 

RoyalRebel in the hizzouse

Her stop by the MTV Awards, for what I see as the passing of the baton [Girlfriend’s got places to go, movies to produce, ok? Thxbai PopcornStatues]. . . 

She’s got this one, Rob.

The Magazine Covers and accompanying print interviews…Oh mah GAWD…Most of which (the ones I could get my paws on) will be apart of a nearly-weekly MOO GIVEAWAY. . . .

I tweeted last week–I can tell you all now, as I no longer work there–that for the past 8 months I was supplementing my income as a private practitioner with a lovely job as the children’s department lead at Barnes & Noble Bookstore. There were so many benefits, but the most important and coveted pro being my full and immediate access to the receiving boxes at the back of the store. That and being surrounded by words, words, magnificent words!!! In the picture below you’ll see tidbits of my life there: I found several inspirational guides–including a new feature for Summertime MOOs– and the sexiest bit of all: thesauri. 

The true Barnes & Noble Advantage

We absolutely will take time to review #SWATH, the film, together (I saw it three times. You?), and we’ll talk about the final countdown to Breaking Dawn part 2. You’ve seen the trailer, right? And you’ve picked up your traditional Entertainment Weekly I assume. MCA is a an absolute angel and is picking up a copy of it for me, and I was able to scrounge up a couple EWs with Edward, Bella, the cute Teeth Baby and the Shirtless Wonder on the front. They’ll be apart of the great MOO Magazine Giveaway too. 

many, many thoughts

We’ll talk a little bit about our progress in pursuing Bliss–you know I have a new job now, yes? I LOVE IT. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. It’s the job I wrote about, in last Musings.  where I somehow conjured up courage to apply, and now I’m doing everything I love about everything I’ve ever known and I’m helping teenagers and children and their families try to catch their breath and find their paths… and did I mention I lovelovelove it??? More about that next time.

But I’m so excited to share with you some other Blissful Plans that are emerging re: the Magical Little Practice [hint: we’re going global, Babies. Ain’t  gonna be so ‘little’ much longer], and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about that. We’re still #OtheringOnward, my friends.

Ok, NO. I did not omit the most spellbinding, game-changing, heart-bursting jubilee that we witnessed…I am not forgetting about the extraordinarily profound  moments that coalesced at that prestigious little film festival in France. In fact….the next 2 (or 3?) new Musings are going to focus on that time period. Where everything came to be. Where everything…aligned. Where Marylou breathed life and love and spontaneity and went On the Road in search of the Elusive ‘It’ with a couple of her boys….

…Where the actress who portrayed Marylou in the film received a 5 [or 8 or 10?] minute standing ovation along with her co-stars and fellow filmmakers at said prestigious film premiere. Same place where the artist, Kristen Jaymes Stewart, was the recipient of accolades, praise and the best critical reviews of her entire illustrious career .

It was there, along the French Rivera that the lovely Ms Stewart–Her Majesty, as we refer to her here in #OtherLand–arrived on yet another red carpet premiere in support for a film starring one Mr Robert Pattinson…looking…well, looking like THIS:

So you can rest easy now, my loves. KNOW that we will address, cry a little,  discuss all the incredible events that occurred at Cannes. For both Kristen and for her equally beautiful partner in crime, fellow RoyalRebel, Robert. In fact…As I’ve stated before, we’re bringing back the FEATURED Royal Rebel highlight to Musings…and poetically, after two years of writing about these rebels, coming full circle, we’ll be talking  about him. Robert Pattinson. In depth. Because it’s time. It’s their time.

Welllllllll…MCA, Nai, SL…This is my catch-up post for you, for me, for Musings Readers. We have so many new adventures ahead, and a third year of Musings to explore, pursue, and celebrate. A whole lotta OTHERING ONWARD…so here…we …go. See you again real soon. Like, Thursday and this weekend…and ….and….xo, KJ

             *          *         *

QUESTION: What are you most excited to discuss among the events that our Reigning Other Queen participated in…? What are you looking forward to in this next year? Talk to me, lovelies.

Musical Playlist:

Pursuit of Happiness ~ Kid Cudi feat MGMT & Ratatat

Ho Hey ~ Lumineers

Free ~ Graffitti6

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