Tag Archives: Giveaway

MOO Memo: Where We’re Going

8 Sep

Greetings, my Royal Rabble Rousers!  How have you been since we’ve last connected?  I’m ridiculously embarrassed for bringing this to you so late on a Thursday evening (it’s still Thursday here in Cali, at least). It’s going to be just a little memo tonight, as I fight off the beginnings of a cold and the super-duper urge to fall into bed and sleep away the days. Two or three things outline this brief MOO Memo…

Giveaway Goodness

Firstly, I wanted to announce the W Mag GIVEAWAY Winners…Some incredible, gorgeously insightful comments came through this week. It seems you all are no strangers to the feeling of self-sabotage and procrastination. I’m so glad we can power through these moments of uncertainty together. Out of the near-twenty people who left answers to the Giveaway Questions in the comment section, a few of you stepped aside and offered up your chance to win to someone else. That is so very generous of you, thank you.

Without further adieu…..using the Random Integer Generator from Random.Org, the two lovely Reader-Commenters who will receive a copy of our Reigning Other Queen’s W Magazine are:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:



CONGRATULATIONS to the lovely and inspirational @DeeDreamer16 (who helped make last week’s post possible) and the always courageous and eloquent @pharmgirl15 !!! Ladies, I’ll contact you directly so I can get your W copies in the mail to you ASAP. If you already have a copy (or copiesssss, plural *ahem*) and you wish to rescind your name from the contest, let me know. It seems to be the theme this week–everyone is so generous and willing to share the Rebellious Beauty with one another, and it makes my heart soar.

Facebook Me

Last week, I created, rather impulsively, a Facebook page for Musings. And it’s been so much fun! It was borne from a wish to be able to connect with you all in a more casual forum in between Musings posts, and also have access to the Other inspirations and moments that crop up in our daily lives. I’m able to post videos and the musical playlists that inspire, as well as quotes and pictures that incite a direct line to the Muse. Many of you have stopped by to say hello, and I encourage you all to continue to do so! I love hearing how you’ve encountered Otherness and your own resources for inspiration within yourselves—but also with each other!  For instance, my girls @sjjw and @primarycolors1 discovered a mutual love for MOO Playlist regulars: The Avett Brothers this week when SJ sent me a link to one of the band’s intimate bookstore performances from a couple of years ago. Click the pic above to go directly to the page, or go here: MusingsOnOther’s Facebook Page 

I hope to post some long-over due pics of the Sam Bradley show I caught in May this year, and I continuously stop and gush over books I’m reading or pictures you send my way. We can chat about ways our Featured Rebel Royals are continuing to spread the word of Other Rebellion, and bask in the awesomeness that is our Reigning Queen Kristen Jaymes Stewart and her current film projects.

errrrmmm. Why so Harlequin-esque, Summit?

Okaaaayyyyyy. Heaving breasts and really unnecessary airbrushing in swoony-pink-misty filters aside…Breaking Dawn is coming. But so is THIS

So that’s the sorta stuff we  jaw about on Facebook. Plus a little shot of inspiration and encouragement every once in a while doesn’t hurt…

Where We Were, Where We’re Going

Last thing I’ll touch base on in this Memo is to let you lovelies know what’s coming down the pike for MOO. Of course, where we’re headed is integrated in response to significant events that have already occurred. Like, hitting the one-year anniversary of moving from Blogger to WordPress and celebrating the freedom and joy of OWNING the domain and site MusingsOnOtherQueens.Com

dance of joy...it is OURS!

The one year anniversary of my  leap of faith towards OWNERSHIP of The Magical Little Practice (literally I went and got the business license a year ago today)…Also, the ten-year anniversary of the September 11th attacks are this weekend. I will always know the abrupt and raw lessons bestowed upon me about tolerance, discrimination, community and grief as a result of living through those times..and I am filled with wondrous exhilaration and peace as I observe the power of many hands lightening the work…

Somehow, we’re barreling into the end of another year. Our Reigning Other Queen has completed her work on The Twilight Saga, and images we fluttered over last Fall:

….will make room for the new images indicating the growth and incredible creative capacity our fierce Royal Rebels possess.

Hello, Mr Packer

So we’ll end this brief post here for now, and I thank you for rolling with me. Last week’s essay brought the poets out as usual and I still remain stunned. I will begin replying to the comments on this site as well as on Facebook now that I’ve announced the Giveaway winners. Please forgive me for being inconsistent in replying these past few months, I assure you I read every. single. word. you write to me (sometimes several times over!) and I am humbled and awed by your prose. Also, I’m impressed with your power and influence.

When I last checked, the sublime  video “I Was Broken” from the lovely Marcus Foster (as discussed last week), was the second most-watched video for MSN in 2011. Ms Stewart’s and Marcus’s supporters are hard core, and I’m proud to call myself one of ’em, alongside you gorgeous misfits.

I look forward to seeing the mischief we all can get into together in this new year. Until next time, my lovelies. Be well and be kind to yourselves and each other. I’l be seeing you around–you know where you can find me. Yours, always, KJ. xo

Embrace Your Other. 

*   *   *

A/N: N leaves for his first trip home to Indonesia in two years in a couple days. I really must complete the personal writing project I’ve embarked on soon as well, in case I deploy out with Red Cross again in the next couple weeks. I do hope to be back next THURSDAY with a NEW full-fledged Musings, but we shall see …Thanks for rollin’ with me, Homies. x

PlayList For This MOOMem (if the link cooperates)

Don’t Die in Me ~ Mirah

How It Ends (Instrumental) ~ DeVotchka

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